National Association of OSH Centers (NACOT)
is a voluntary association of occupational safety, including relevant educational and training organizations whose purpose is to support and co-ordinate their professional and economic activities, to represent their general interests in the governmental and other institutions as well in international organizations’.
NACOT unites specialists of organizations which are practitioners in the fields of occupational safety of general characters.
The members of Association are those who are interested in joint achievement of goals of Association indicated in its By-laws, share its By-laws targets and are efficient citizens and (or) legal persons participating in the activities of Association and engaged solely or on terms of combination in economic or OSH professional activities, pay membership dues and fulfill the By
- laws requirements.
Individual or legal persons join Association on a voluntary basis.
Organs of administration and control are as follows:
- General meeting of members of Association;
- Board of Association;
- Chairman of the Board
- Supervisory council of Association;
- Financial control and auditing commission
Over a period between sessions of the General meetings of members of Association and sessions of the Board of Association the management of its activities is exercised by the General Director and his staff. General Director acts in accordance with resolutions of the General meeting of members of Association and the Board of Association.
According to the rules of the memorandum of Association we are not entitled to share confidential information about NACOT members. Accessible information about them can be found on their web – sites or can be received when requested.
Association NACOT includes 85 organizations from all regions of Russia. All of them are represented on the web – site The list of these organizations is enclosed as a separate file. We present the name of organization, the name of its head, phone, fax, E-mail and web-site only. All organizations mentioned there are acting in the fields of occupational safety and health (OSH).
Main services, rendered by Association members:
- Education of specialists on the basis of OSH programs;
- Training of specialists for work places assessment in accordance with the legal requirements on work conditions and for certifying works and activities on labor protection;
- Training of specialists for rendering first psychological aid under extreme labor conditions on work places;
- Arrangement of training courses on the subject of OSH in cooperation with the collaborating training centers;
- Arrangement of distance learning courses on OSH. Certification of work places in accordance with the legal requirements on occupational safety and health;
- Certification of works in organizations from the point of view of their conformity to the rules and requirements of OSH;
- Supervision and control over harmful industrial factors on work places;
- Elaboration of standards in the field on OSH;
- Preparing, publishing and distribution of scientific, methodical and educational information, magazines, bulletins and other educational materials on OSH;
- Elaboration types of measurement tools for assessing the harmful factors at work places;
- Design of personal protective equipment (PPE);
- Development of protective wares for training of OSH specialists;
- Studies on the subject of labour conditions;
- Auditing of organizations active in the sphere of OSH;
- Publication of findings of research in the field of OSH;
- Juridical support of organizations on issues of occupational safety;
- Certifying of electrical equipment of buildings;
- Test laboratory for electrical equipment in buildings;
- Marketing of PPE;
- Arrangements of scientific conferences, symposia and seminars on the problems of OSH;
- Participation in the annual International Exhibition “OSH and PPE in RF”;
- Organization of virtual exhibition and demonstration of modern national and foreign PPE , control tools and instruments used for testing labor conditions and testing labor protection equipment as well;
The integrated distribution of services among members of association looks as follows:
- Assessment of labor conditions at work places and certification of works in organizations is performed by 70% member organizations.
- Training of specialists is performed by 60% member organizations.
- Manufacturing and marketing of PPE perform 25% member organizations;
- Publishing, arrangements of exhibitions and conferences perform 40% of member organizations.
- Juridical, methodological and legal support are rendered by 30% of member organizations.
Functional structures of Association
- Research and development department.
- Section of training and methodological support
- Section of information and advertising.
- Section of studies of problems in the field of OSH
- Section of independent inspections.
- Section of elaboration of OSH standards.
Board of Association includes 10 doctors of sciences, among them:
Doctor of economics – 1
Doctor of technical sciences – 7
Doctor of chemical sciences – 1
Doctor of sociological sciences-1
Professors – 10
Honoured Scientists of the Russian Federation – 2
Honoured Scientist of the Republic Bashkortostan – 1
Persons with the Ph degree – 10, among them:
5 persons with the Ph degree in technical sciences 1 person with the Ph degree in physics and maths sciences 1 person with the Ph degree in sociological sciences 1 person with the Ph degree of medical sciences 1 person with the Ph degree in military sciences In 2008 NACOT has created and registered the System of voluntary certification of organizations, specialists, products and technological procedures in the field of occupational safety ( SVCOS)
The main aims of SVCOS is to apply methods and means of certification in order to assist in solution of problems concerning creation of safe and healthy work conditions on the base of their reliable evolution together with taking into account the results of certification made on the terms of economic interest of employers and workers in improvement of occupational safety, health and work conditions.
Objects of certification in SVCOS are:
- the organisations rendering services and working in the field of OSH ;
- systems of management in OSH, including employers and workers organizations;
- OSH specialists and experts;
- products, regarding the conformity to international and national occupational safety and health requirements.
In 2008 NACOT received the formal notice of the membership of The International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organizations (INSHPO). And in 2009 NACOT became the member of The European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (ENSHPO)
Organisation | National Association of the Centers for Occupational Safety & Health |
Acronym | NACOT |
Address | 4th Parkovaja str., 29 |
Town | Moscow |
Country | Russia |
Postcode | 105043 |
Telephone (incl. Int’l code) | +7 (499) 164 96 54 |
Website | | | |
General Director of NACOT Honoured Scientists of the Russian Federation | Doctor of technical sciences, professor Novikov Nikolay; Chairman of the Board – Boris Burov |