The Portuguese Society of Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SPOSHO, www.sposho.pt) is a non-profit association, created in 2004, having as main objectives:
- To promote a forum for discussion of different domains of Occupational Safety and Hygiene;
- To provide the means for the development of educational and information campaigns;
- To constitute a space of defence of common interests of practitioners, who carry out their professional activity in this area, supporting initiatives that, at a national and international level, defend those interests;
- To establish relations with similar scientific societies, both at national and international level.
The SPOSHO is headquartered in the pole of Guimarães of the University of Minho, Portugal, and has, currently, about 400 members, mostly individual members;
It integrates the European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (ENSHPO, www.enshpo.eu) together with related organisations from 20 European countries.
As scientific and professional society, SPOSHO promotes annually, since its foundations in 2004, an International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO). This event has been growing year after year. At the moment, it has an International Scientific Committee composed of more than 130 members from 17 different countries inside and outside Europe. This International Symposium allows two annual publications with the state of the art in OSH and ergonomics: a book of proceedings, published by SPOSHO and a second book published by an international publisher with all its chapters indexed in one of the leading bibliographic databases at the international level.
In 2017, SPOSHO launched the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Safety (IJOOES – https://ijooes.fe.up.pt/), an interdisciplinary journal with peer-review and two annual issues. This journal is promoted with the support of several universities from different countries. It is in the process of being indexed in several international databases.