Exploring the role of supply chains in advancing occupational safety and health
As a part of its research programme to improve compliance with occupational safety and health (OSH) regulations, EU-OSHA has explored the potential of supply chains — the relationships between buyers and sellers — to promote OSH.
Expanding the research scope beyond traditional employment relationships, the potential of market-based practices to enhance working conditions has been examined. A thorough literature review focusing on Improving OSH through supply chains in agri-food and construction offers a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Additionally, two policy briefs assess the implementation, opportunities and challenges of these practices in the agri-food and construction sectors.
EU-OSHA’s research programme seeks to inspire and assist companies in complying with OSH regulations. An overarching report on the topic is available.
Read the report and summary Improving OSH through supply chains: market-based initiatives in the agri-food and construction industries and related policy briefs
See all publications on the topic Good OSH is good for business