Dear ENSHPO Community,
It is with great excitement that I welcome you to our new membership management system, which includes an updated ENSHPO website. I spoke about this in my last email, and now it is a reality. The management board in partnership with Tech Company has been heads down working on this initiative since last October. What a great feeling to know that this is now a reality.
This new membership management system and website is so important to the board because it will allow us to…
• Be in better communication with you as members
• Customize how we bring content and information to the diverse type interests of our members
• Stay better connected as an ENSHPO community.
As you know, ENSHPO is built on a legacy of a strong sense of community; I believe that this will add to that legacy. So 1ST September is our “soft launch” which simply means that the most essential pieces of the website and content have gone live and then in the following 45 days we will finalize the transition of all documents, and updating from the information that you provide to us, so please be patient with us as we work these two parallel processes.
I would love to hear your feedback on the website, please feel free to submit your comments/thoughts to
Best regards
Mireya Rifá