MSDs and psychosocial risk factors. Executive summary and discussion papers language versions available

There is clear evidence that psychosocial risk factors play a causal role in the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. The executive summary – Musculoskeletal disorders: association with psychosocial risk factors at work – now available in more language versions, examines the evidence for the association between psychosocial risk factors and MSDs and provides recommendations for effective approaches to prevent MSDs.

Once MSDs have developed, the return-to-work process should be supported by a multidisciplinary approach involving various professionals and experts.

According to the discussion paper, Return to work after MSD-related sick leave in the context of psychosocial risks at work, the important factors for a successful return to work include a holistic risk assessment of physical and psychosocial risks, a planned return-to-work programme, involving the worker in the process, and a positive and supportive working environment.

Learn also about the effect of digitalisation on psychosocial and physical risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders.