WEBINAR: Vision Zero: a transformative approach to prevention. New initiatives and lessons from the global campaign.
Accidents at work are neither determined by fate nor unavoidable – they always have causes. By building a strong prevention culture, these causes can be eliminated, and work-related accidents, harm and occupational diseases can be prevented. ISSA Vision Zero brings together three dimensions of safety, health and wellbeing at all levels of work to create a transformative approach to prevention.
ENSHPO are delighted to bring together a panel of Vision Zero experts and supporters who will not only explain what makes the programme such a success, but also demonstrate the flexibility of the concept it’s transformative effect, and how it can be adjusted to specific safety, health or well-being priorities for prevention in any given context.
Delegates will see how, thanks to this flexibility, Vision Zero is beneficial to any workplace, enterprise or industry in all regions of the world.
Our expert panel will include Mireya Rifá Fabregat, ENSHPO; Pernille Thau, Human House; and Bernd Treichel, ISSA.