Working from home? Stay safe and keep healthy with OiRA
With telework being very common after the pandemic, a new Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool can now assist both employers and teleworkers in creating safer and healthier workspaces at home.
The OiRA tool on telework is not sector-specific. Regardless of your business, you can easily put it to use. It supports employers by generating policy-based risk statements, and teleworkers by offering safety and health related tips ranging from workplace organisation, workplace environment and the workstation to psychosocial risks that teleworking can bring about.
The tool can be integrated into existing EU sectoral OiRA tools or adapted by national OiRA partners to suit the needs of different countries and sectors.
Do you manage a remote workforce? Or are you working from home?
Use and help us promote the OiRA tool on telework
Learn all about how OiRA help businesses prevent work-related safety and health risks