Strategy 2025 – 2034: defining priorities to deliver impact
Strategy 2025 – 2034: defining priorities to deliver impact
EU-OSHA’s current strategy outlines its priorities for a decade and sets out three strategic lines of action with the following goals::
- Providing evidence and knowledge on current, new and emerging risks regarding their impact on safety and health and their prevention, to support policymaking and research.
- Promoting and facilitating the development of tools and resources to empower the Agency’s networks and partners to improve the prevention of occupational safety and health risks in the workplace.
- Driving awareness raising and networking actions to enable the Agency and its stakeholders to foster a positive risk prevention culture at work.
For more information, download EU-OSHA Strategy 2025-2034.
Planning for the upcoming years
Each year, EU-OSHA’s Executive Director prepares and the Management Board adopts a single programming document setting out the Agency’s three-year rolling programme. It sets clear priorities and aims to ensure that the Agency makes the best use of its resources and its network. The single programming document details the operational activities to be carried out and the objectives to be achieved in the years ahead.
To view work programmes/single programming documents for previous years, visit our publications page.